Kaien's Disciples

Exist rather than live, Yell rather than shut up, Dare rather than obey

samedi 6 février 2016

Dear Disciples

here is some serie B movie poster for those interested

Dear disciples

Carrying on with some pics, that I have collected with a special thought for David Bowie.

The first one been of SR 400 which I have found quite interesting
Second one, is of Amanda Lear,  I got that one while reading some info about Bowie, she was his girlfriend after been the girlfriend of Bryan Ferry and the muse of Salvador Dali,  What a life....

Then a pic of the "Men"..
some oldies on a guy on xt 500.  jeee, I love this motorcycle.

And I went to Austin, I found that homeless, and his sign was awesome,

And one of the most fabulous artist of all time..

And one Triumph that went for half a million dollar, because she belung to Steve Mc Queen. 

Dear disciples

Off road is ruling my life lately.....

Nice pic, ain't it???

So have not done much.  Went to Austin, Music World Capital.

and as usual, couple of nice chicks pic. 

stopped at Useless Xpat workshop.  it's becoming nice.....